Drugs and Alcohol Rehabilitation
Roofing line
Who Are We?

About Us

The Substance Abuse Detox service at New Life Rehab is designed to provide individuals with a safe and supportive environment as they begin their journey towards recovery. We understand that detoxification can be a challenging process, and our dedicated team of medical professionals is committed to ensuring that each client receives the personalized care they need. Our location in Hawthorne offers a serene setting that is conducive to healing and recovery, allowing clients to focus solely on their path to sobriety. With our comprehensive approach, we address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of detox to promote overall well-being.

Our Detox Services Include:

  • Medical Assessment: A thorough evaluation by our qualified medical team to create a tailored detox plan.
  • 24/7 Medical Supervision: Continuous monitoring to ensure safety and manage withdrawal symptoms effectively.
  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Customized detox programs that cater to the unique needs of each individual.
  • Holistic Therapies: Integration of holistic approaches such as yoga, meditation, and nutritional support to enhance recovery.
  • Aftercare Planning: Comprehensive plans to transition into rehabilitation and ongoing support post-detox.


  • What is the duration of the detox process? The detox process typically lasts from a few days to a week, depending on the substance used and the individual's health.
  • Will I experience withdrawal symptoms? Yes, withdrawal symptoms can occur, but our medical team will manage these to ensure your comfort and safety.
  • Is detoxification necessary before rehab? Yes, detox is usually the first step in the recovery process, helping to clear substances from the body before further treatment.

Trusted Drugs and Alcohol Rehabilitation Services in Hawthorne

Inpatient Rehab

"Receive intensive care in a safe environment. Call us at (844) 205-5442 for Inpatient Rehab in Hawthorne ."

Detox Programs

"Safe detoxification from drugs and alcohol. Call (844) 205-5442 for Detox Programs in Hawthorne now!"

Individual Counseling

"One-on-one therapy for personalized support. Reach out at (844) 205-5442 for Counseling in Hawthorne ."

Group Therapy

"Join our supportive group therapy sessions. Call (844) 205-5442 for Group Therapy in Hawthorne today!"

Family Therapy

"Strengthen family bonds through therapy. Contact (844) 205-5442 for Family Therapy in Hawthorne ."

Relapse Prevention

"Learn strategies to prevent relapse. Contact us at (844) 205-5442 for Relapse Prevention in Hawthorne ."

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

"Specialized care for co-occurring disorders. Call (844) 205-5442 for Dual Diagnosis in Hawthorne ."

Addiction Treatment

"Effective addiction treatment programs to help you regain control. Call (844) 205-5442 in Hawthorne today!"

Substance Abuse Detox

"Safe and supportive detox programs for substance abuse. Contact (844) 205-5442 for detox services in Hawthorne ."